What the hell is this thing?

I, like most people in the world, have a tendency to judge things.  Not just the movies or music that professional judgers (aka critics) typically cover, but the people who buy tickets to see the movies or download the songs those critics are discussing as well.  You do too, so don’t start acting all holier-than-thou.  If you were to ask anyone what their favorite song was you would begin to form the foundations of the rest of their personality based off that simple answer.  If John Smith answered that his favorite song was something you had never heard of by a band you had never heard of you might consider him a music snob and he will lose all credibility when discussing pop culture.

It is here that I want to connect someone’s taste in movies, music, tv, etc. with who they are as a person; a psychological experiment if you will.  I’ll update on modern and older pop culture and will gladly take suggestions on anything you as a reader feel the need to be judged.

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